My Crown

An excellent wife is the crown of her husband…
Proverbs 18:22

(This is Vicky and I at our favorite spot in Seattle, The Matador)

And she’s got much more than beauty. With her permission, I wanted to share a post from her private blog.

I’ve been reading a book the last few weeks called Irresistible Revolution by Shane Claiborne. It has been so good! I completely disagree with about 1/4 of it but the other 3/4 has hit my heart good and hard. One point that epitomizes what I have been learning.

We, in modern evangelical Christianity, place such a high value on being “born again”. Rightly so because Jesus said this to Zachariah. However within a few chapters Jesus tells another man that being a Christian means to “sell everything he has and give it to the poor”. And yet we don’t claim this is necessity for salvation or even promote this habit amongst ourselves.

I’m all for the “righteous rich, righteous poor theology“, but I have been so convicted reading through this book and studying through James at how comfortable I’ve gotten in my American mindset of what following Jesus and loving my neighbor really means. I know God has called me to be a wife and have a home of hospitality here in America, and I am praying and trying to process how to be obedient, within these roles, to many commandments I in large part ignore. Living well in America puts me at a level of privilege that I believe the Lord is going to hold me accountable to one day. Confessing and praying through this has spawned many ideas ranging from researching more where I shop for clothes – to the increased desire to adopt especially from a country like Thailand. Pray for me friends, that I would care more about Jesus and loving those in need than about myself and things I’m attached to in this world. Our savior says that one cannot be a friend of this world without becoming an enemy of him. How I want to mourn my friendship with this world so I can truly follow him- our humble, caring, homeless, exulted savior!!!


My Crown.
