
Am a little late to getting around to this but I wanted to post here an update about this blog.

In the last couple months I have started pastoring at a church in the Littleton Colorado area called Calvary Baptist Church.  Crystal and I have been blessed to partner with some amazing people in doing ministry.  In many ways after a season of confusion and question marks, I can say with confidence that God has been leading us to where we are now at for a long time.

If you would like to find out more about our church you can go to the website and have a look around.

In conjunction with that our church has started a blog which I am co-authoring (I guess I like blogging alongside a friend) with my good friend Mark who is the Senior Pastor at Calvary.  If you have liked what has been written on this blog over the years I think you will dig the blog we have going for Calvary.  You are welcome to check it out and participate in the comments.

This blog was a great experience for me as I went through seminary and I learned a lot through wonderful interaction with many of you.

If you are wondering what happened to Matt, well the short answer is he had twins and no one has heard from him since…


8 Responses

  1. Well, I’ve certainly enjoyed many of the discussions that have happened here. Good luck in your future blogging endeavors.

  2. You’re leaving me for another blog?!

  3. Yeah dude, we should have a blog divorce like how we had a clothes divorce way back when we lived at Mint Leaves and Hoss lived in the garage with a miniature horse.

  4. who gets custody of the readers??

  5. Last time I saw the Hudgens, it was at REI in Henderson a few months ago.

  6. Dude I didn’t write that comment.

    Also, nice to know that my wife informs me of my blog ending.

    But, I am the guy that erased our first supposedly secret blog without warning.

  7. Okay let me set the record straight. Matt is acting like he was unaware of the end of the blog but this is a half-truth at best. He may not have been aware of the exact timing of the end of the blog, but he was the one who told me he was ready to wrap it up months ago, hence the lack of any post by him since Obama was elected President. And that is only a slight exaggeration.

    And I get full custody of all readers. Matt was neglectful to our faithful few readers and has therefore demonstrated that he is unfit to be entrusted with any readers going forward.

    In all honesty this blog has been one of the best things I have done in the last few years and loads of fun. Please feel free to keep reading and interacting with my blogging over at

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