School’s Over! Going to South Dakota

Well I wrapped up a monster semester of 16 credits this semester.  To be honest it felt easy compared to the days when I had Greek always hanging over my head.  With the completion of this semester I have come to the end of the road of being a full time student.  Seminary has really flown by, but I will blog about that later on.

I will be out of town this week as I am heading to a Native American reservation in South Dakota.  No internet connection so am going to use the opportunity to engage in a media fast.  This should be weird for me as I am a news junkie and love my Macbook as much as anything I own.

So I will pray for you all while I am gone since it appears I am living you in the hands of “homeless Matt.”  Maybe he will post some sweet youtube videos, or how Rockstars are the greatest beverage ever.


13 Responses

  1. word to the Macbook
    word to finishing up another semester
    word to relaxing without technology

  2. i’m waiting for to report on the first celebrity OD on rockstar energy drinks. they do weird things to your heart rate.

  3. Celebs od on coke. Rockstars are some of the tamest things they put in their bodies.

  4. i don’t know…i feel like it might be that 1000th rockstar/red bull that pushes britney over the edge…

  5. Let’s be honest here…Ryan has NOT gone to South Dakota. He has locked himself in a room this week in order to aborb ALL THINGS American Idol. As we speak he is wringing his hands over which David gets the victory, furiously scouring blogs and newswires to try and get an idea of who has the edge; watching and rewatching his TiVo’d finale to analyze the facial expressions of the judges and the crowd response to each performance.

    Face it, Ryan, no one actually goes to South Dakota. We will not be fooled.

  6. “Rockstars are some of the tamest things they put in their bodies.”

    Matt, I am going to have to blow the whistle on you here for “Unintentional Dirty Innuendo”. Comment rewording required.

  7. i’m going to have to agree with adam on this. as i drove by ryan’s house last night, i saw his shadow in his den, arms swaying back and forth, almost as if he was one of the college girls they pay to be in the audience to do that during any slow songs. i saw you with your cell phone in hand ryan. i cannot lie 🙂

  8. Sara, your story was fine until you claim Ryan had his cell phone “in hand.” Anyone that knows Ryan knows he stays as far away from his cell phone as possible.

    The sad thing: I have heard Ryan rant over and over again that the Bulls should trade their whole roster to get the #1 pick so they can rebuild around Derrick Rose. And now he isn’t even aware that they scored the #1 pick without giving anything up, even though they only had a 1.7% chance of getting it.

    10 bucks says they cause him to move back to South Dakota by picking Michael Beasley.

  9. touche…touche…i do know that to be true. dang.

  10. Yay!! David Cook won!!1! I’m going to drink some milk and eat some quiche to celebrate. Yipee!!!

  11. First Ryan’s inner wuss disappeared the day I went repelling. Second, I was in South Dakota and I would rather participate in a Lakota Sundance than watch American Idol.

  12. My list of preferences:

    1. Dance in Lakota Sundance.
    2. Watch American Idol.
    3. Cry.
    4. Listen to Kenny G.

    You can’t get away from me Ryan. You repelled; I walked off the back. But I will catch up to you in time!

  13. Somehow i missed the point. Probably lost in translation 🙂 Anyway … nice blog to visit.

    cheers, Twelve.

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